Barry County Missouri, Genealogy:

Preserving our historical records and making them available to the public is important to us. We have all marriage records dating to 1837. Our land records date to 1870, with some "hit and miss" records dating to 1835.

The most efficient and accurate way to research our records is to come to our office and research on your own. We have made an effort to make these records as easily accessible as possible

However, if it is not possible for you to come to the office, you may request specific records by mail. You will need to provide the names, type of record, and the date of recording for real estate. We need names and date of marriage for marriage records.

These requests will be done on an as time permits basis. Please include a self-addressed stamped envelope for return information.


Copy fee for: $ (ea)
Marriage License $ 2.00
Real Estate Document $ 2.00

More Information

Barry County Genealogical & Historical Society
PO Box 291
Cassville, MO 65625

Missouri State Historical Society
Columbia, MO
Ph: (800) 747-6366